Earlier yesterday on Worldnet Daily, Chuck Norris provided this article, where he spins off a statement he made on the Glen Beck show, where the two mused about the possibility of Texas seceding from the United States.
Which is fine and all, despite some strange asides from Beck about taking a seam ripper to an American flag... I overhear speculative conversations about Texas secession all the time, which usually is followed by us Austinites joking about seceding from Texas.
But back to the article. Skip down to the part where he begins to endorse the ominously-titled event "We Surround Them", and then waxes enthusiastically about all the "cell" groups uniting.
Anxiety Culture is a subversive magazine/website devoted to defusing the little nagging voice in the back of your head that seems to be getting louder and louder these days.
In their own words, they maintain a VAST, intoxicating mixture of outsider psychology, anti-work philosophy, satire, anti-establishment rants, spoof ads, DIY propaganda, subversive graphics and underground news. Plus "self improvement" articles for the distracted, bored, and cynical.
C-SPAN just relesased the results of it's Historians Presidential Leadership Survey. Leaving office, Dubya finds himself sixth from the bottom, with a score just barely more than half those of the top six.
Bill Clinton left office at number 21 (Which out of 42 at the time, put him square in the middle). He actually rose 6 positions since then. Surprisingly enough, George Bush Sr and Ronald Reagan also jumped a couple of spots as well.
And always, James Buchanan ranks at the bottom, never ever living down his inability to avert the Civil War, or to do much of anything else during his presidency.
This site highlights the verses in Revelation that could creatively be interpreted that Ronald Reagan was the Antichrist, then devolves into a strange rant about Coincidence that ends with him reaching into a box of Playboy magazines. Ok, then.
The McCain/Palin campaign recently sold all of it's used office supplies in a big sale. Office furniture, filing cabinets, and laptops were quickly snapped up. A FOX News reporter in attendance and was attracted to a bin of orphaned Blackberrys sold at an incredible $20 a pop, so they bought a couple.
The Blackberry turned out to have lots of in-campaign private emails, which gave an interesting insiders view to grassroots campaigning. But even more disturbing was that the directory was still full of personal contact information and phone numbers, including those of other campaign members and public officials.
The reporter is wondering if they were the only ones that wound up with info-loaded Blackberrys.
Let them know by dropping an email to fox5tips@wttg.com or calling the Fox 5 News Desk at (202) 895-3280.
It's already become a meme that now that since Barack Obama has been elected, it will be harder to make jokes about the president. It is true that this cat is less likely to nearly choke to death on a pretzel, fall off of a Segway (which should be physically impossible), hump a plump barely legal aide, throw up on a prime minister, fall asleep at a press conference, consider ketchup a vegetable or any other ridiculous flub that has fueled many a hack comedians repertoire.
In a bit of randomness (that may or may not have to do with the fact that a book is being released), I decided to revisit suck.com. I had forgotten this truly excellent site that faded to oblivion shortly before 9/11 amidst the simultaneous death of many bastions of cool, intelligent counter-culture humor.
So forgive me if you've already read this excellent (if almost decade old) article, in which, through the medium of a review of Harold Ramis' career, a scathing deconstruction of priveleged Baby Boomer mentality emerges. I think it deserves a tasty defrosting, now that the Bush empire is on it's way out of office.
If youre the kind of person that thinks a really, really weak Super Mario World clone with *only* *one* *track* *of* *infuriatingly* *annoying* *music* and cornball "political" humor that your parents would chuckle at is you're kind of bag, then click on the above picture.
The argument presented in this Bob The Angry Flower comic makes as much sense as any of the heavily forwarded nonsense emails I've been getting lately regarded our newly elected president.
Joe The Plumber was considering buying a plumbing company. I'm sure at some point he was considering getting a real plumbing license or getting around to actually paying the taxes he seemed to be so worried about this election.
So why the hell shouldn't he consider becoming a country music singer? Or an astronaut, for that matter?
Now that I think about it, I should have considered posting this blog a week ago, when it was relevant.
Oh well, I just wanted an excuse to post a cool Zina Saunders painting on a blog.
The clown you see above is Mark Larson, some cookie-cutter right-wing AM radio personality from San Diego. Sometime in the incredibly vague past on his part, he claims that he made a bet that there was no way this country would elect a man named Barack Hussein Obama. So much that he resolved that if Obama won, he would go on air in blackface. But it's totally not about race; he claims it's about Barack's middle name, and the fact Larson believes he's a Muslim.
But it's totally not about race. Which is why he's appearing in blackface, rather than, say, a turban or a Saddam Hussein or Osama Bin Laden mask. You know, something mildly humorous that would actually be congruent with what the fuck he said.
He then later compared the stunt to skits done by Dave Chappelle... Okay, lemme just jump across this monstrous paradigm shift and say that, sure, Dave Chappelle, the Wayans brothers and even Eddie Murphy have performed skits in whiteface. Two things though -
1) Neither Dave Chappelle, the Wayans Brothers or Eddie Murphy have maintained a three decade radio career where they claim to represent the moral character of our society. Maybe I missed something, and this is the kind of wholesome good-natured humor the average moral Republican genuinely enjoys. I sure as hell hope not, for the sake of mankind...
2) Dave Chappelle is funny (and Eddie Murphy and the Wayans brothers used to be). This is...
...well, this is pretty embarrassing.
It's like you're watching your drunk, out-of-touch uncle go into one of his off-color stories, and you realized he's forgotten the punchline, but insists on plodding on... and on... and on...
And due to a cruel slip in the time/space continuum, this horribly awkward moment lasts for the length of an entire radio show.
Meanwhile, you've long since pretended to be adopted and have taken, with zen-like focus, rapturous attention to the cream cheese dip. Wow, you can really taste the parsley!
I have no idea, you desperately want to tell everyone within earshot, who that crazy ranting man is. I'm just here for the wheat thins.
This photo was taken at the Merced Polls. There's the voting machines... and a FREAKING HUGE PRO PROPOSITION 8 DISPLAY that is about 100 feet closer than is legal.
If you live in California, you can file a complaint through:
(916)657-2166 or you can lodge a recorded complaint by calling 1-800-345-VOTE
This is a pretty big deal. California now has the dubious distinction of being the first state to amend it's own constitution to REMOVE rights for it's own citizens. Dirty tricks like this should not go unpunished.