Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"I May Run For President Of Texas"... Unsettling Essay By Chuck Norris.

Earlier yesterday on Worldnet Daily, Chuck Norris provided this article, where he spins off a statement he made on the Glen Beck show, where the two mused about the possibility of Texas seceding from the United States.

Which is fine and all, despite some strange asides from Beck about taking a seam ripper to an American flag... I overhear speculative conversations about Texas secession all the time, which usually is followed by us Austinites joking about seceding from Texas.

But back to the article. Skip down to the part where he begins to endorse the ominously-titled event "We Surround Them", and then waxes enthusiastically about all the "cell" groups uniting.

I don't know man... sounds spooky as shit to me.